Trance Conditions

Many clairvoyants, manifesting their powers by means of the methods of

Direct Clairvoyance, produce in themselves the condition of trance, or

semi-trance condition. Many students believe that these conditions are

absolutely necessary for the production of this kind of phenomena, but

they neglect, or are actually unaware of, the fact that many of the

highest forms of this class of clairvoyant phenomena are manifested by

clairvoyants who are no more in a trance condition, or that of

semi-trance, than those following the methods of Psychometry or Crystal

Gazing, respectively. All that is required is that the clairvoyant

maintain a quiescent mental attitude, shutting out the sounds, sights,

and thoughts of the outside world, and concentrating the full attention

upon the clairvoyant work before him or her. Some, it is true, pass

easily into the semi-trance, or even the full trance condition, but the

latter are not absolutely necessary states.

