The Illuminatus

"One only of the guests had not taken part in all the joyousness of this

conversation, and had even gently and cheerfully checked our splendid

enthusiasm. This was Cazotte, an amiable and original man, but unhappily

infatuated with the reveries of the Illuminati. He spoke, and with the

most serious tone, saying: 'Gentlemen, be satisfied; you will all see

this great and sublime revolution, which you so much desire. You know

that I am a little inclined to prophecy; I repeat, you will see it.' He

was answered by the common rejoinder: 'One need not be a conjurer to see

that.' He answered: 'Be it so; but perhaps one must be a little more

than conjurer for what remains for me to tell you. Do you know what

will be the consequences of this revolution--what will be the

consequences to all of you, and what will be the immediate result--the

well-established effect--the thoroughly recognized consequences to all

of you who are here present?'

