The Mystery Of Seeing The Past

To persons investigating the phenomena of clairvoyance for the first

time, however, there seems to be a much greater mystery attached to the

phenomena of Past Clairvoyance than in the case of Distant Clairvoyance.

To such persons it seems that while the perception of distant objects,

scenes, and events is wonderful and mysterious, still at the last it is

merely the perception of something now actually in existence--merely

/> the extension of one's normal powers of vision so as to include objects

beyond the range of the ordinary vision, but, still, actually in

existence though at a distance. The idea of the telescope enables the

mind to grasp the naturalness of this kind of phenomena. But when it

comes to the perception of things, scenes, and events WHICH ARE NO

LONGER IN EXISTENCE--things which have passed entirely out of

existence--the mystery seems to be increased, and incredulity becomes

more insistent. But to the occultist there is really no more mystery in

the one case than in the other--both sets of phenomena are seen to be

perfectly reasonable and within the realms of Nature. Let us now see how

and why the occultists view the matter in this light.

