Spirit Code Signals
In this new phase, when once entered into, the formal set procedure to
be followed will be about as follows: The leader of the circle,
recognizing the signs of the presence of spirits in the circle, will
address them and ask them whether or not there is a spirit present who
wishes to convey a message to the circle, or to any one present. Then
the spirits signal back in the affirmative or the negative. If the
answer be
n the affirmative, the circle leader asks the spirits to
indicate by the affirmative signal when the name of the right person
present is named--and he then proceeds to slowly and plainly name each
person present, in succession, until the affirmative signal is received.
Or, he may ask the spirits to indicate the identity of the spirit
friends present, when their names are called; and he then proceeds to
call over the names of the departed friends of those present, as the
same are requested by the sitters or visitors to the circle. When the
right name is reached, the spirits signal in the affirmative, either by
raps of table-tilts, etc. After the question-and-answer line of
communication has been firmly and strongly established, more definite
information may be obtained by the instruction of the system of
"alphabet calling," as described in a preceding portion of this book.
In this system, the letters of the alphabet are slowly and clearly
called off, in succession, until the affirmative signal is given
regarding the letter just called, which indicates that that letter is to
be marked down as a part of the sentence. Wonderful messages have been
received in this way, although the process is very slow and somewhat
tedious in the case of long messages.