Practical Advice To Developing Mediums
The young developing medium who has read the foregoing pages of this
book will in all probability soon discover just what phase of mediumship
is best suited for his natural powers, temperament and psychic
constitution. As his innate psychic powers unfold and develop he will be
almost instinctively led in the particular directions in which these
powers may find the opportunity for the best form of expression and
ation. And, at the same time, the spirit friends which the young
medium will have drawn to himself will have discovered, by means of
experimentation, just what phase of mediumship the young medium would
best develop in order to convey the messages and communications from the
spirit side of life. The following bits of advice from mediumistic
writers of good standing will, however, perhaps serve to make the path
clearer for the young medium who is reaching out toward the best and
most efficient form of manifestation of the powers which he has found
are within himself.