In Tune With Higher Planes

But, in connection with the above statement of the "in tune" law or rule

of manifestation, we wish to call to the attention of the student the

important fact that the same law prevails in the case of communications

from the higher planes of existence--the so-called "spirit

communications" and other messages of this kind reaching individuals on

our own plane of existence. It is only when the individual on the

"earth pla
e" becomes "in tune" with the sending mental instrument of

the entity abiding on a higher plane of existence, that it is able to

"pick up" the message being sent to earth. Even the same individual is

often unable to "catch" the messages at one time, while at other times

he experiences no difficulty whatsoever. An understanding of this

fact--this law or rule of manifestation--will throw a great light over

many dark places of misunderstanding and perplexity concerning certain

phases of occult and psychic phenomena. This feature of such phenomena

will be considered in detail in subsequent parts of this book.

