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All Experiences in the Circle
A Home-made Ouija Board
A writer has given the following directions for making a "home-made Ouija Board," viz., "A Planchette may be used as an 'Ouija' by laying down a sheet of paper upon which the letters of the alphabet have been written or printed in a fairly large sem...
A Typical Case Of Identification
The following typical case of undoubted identification of a visiting spirit is related by Smedley in his work concerning spiritualistic experiences, and may be taken as a pattern to be followed by investigators in demanding and obtaining proofs of i...
Advice To Trance Mediums
"Most mediums find that their powers vary. Sometimes there seems to be a high degree of lucidity. The impressions which they receive are clear and strong; and the ideas seem to flow through them freely, and the quality of the inspirations is exhilar...
Beware Of Domineering Spirits
A writer has given the following good advice to young mediums, which such will do well to heed: "Do not always be ready to be controlled, or to drop into a trance just because you 'feel the influence,' and 'a spirit wants to say something,' or to ob...
Entering The Trance
"Let the influence have its course--say what you feel you MUST say, and never mind about your own state of consciousness. You will be much more likely to pass into the unconsciousness of the trance (if you desire to do so) if you say, 'Now, spirit f...
Flashes Of Communication
In some cases the circle will have to sit several times before the persistent though disconnected and apparently meaningless raps or table-tilts will begin to show positive signs of intelligent signalling. The same thing would probably occur were th...
Fraudulent Claims Of Identity
We would be lacking in our sense of duty and obligation toward our readers, however, were we to refrain from calling their attention to the fact that positive and strict identification of the spirits, in cases where identity is claimed, is a duty on...
Guarding Against Fraudulent Spirits
One writer says: "While most mediums seek for some guide or control of prominence, it must not be always taken for granted that the controlling spirit during a seance is always just what he claims to be. For instance, a spirit control might give his...
Identifying Property
"She referred to a number of incidents known only to her and ourselves. She asked for an album in which she had written the dedication, pointing this out, and also various pieces of poetry she had written in it. She asked for a hymn-book, and desire...
Impersonating Manifestations
It will often happen that some spirit will take control of the medium for the purpose of communicating with a friend present in the circle or AUDIENCE, and for the purpose of positively identifying himself to that friend, he may deem it necessary to...
Incidents Of Impersonations
In a case such as stated above, the medium will probably find himself either partially or completely conscious of what is being said and done by the spirit through his body or vocal organs. He will naturally strive to escape the utterance of the str...
Incidents Of Inspirational Mediumship
Another writer speaking concerning inspirational mediumship, has said: "In inspirational speaking it will be noted that the medium often gives a really wonderful speech, although he may naturally be a very poor conversationalist. These speeches are ...
Ouija Boards
Of late years the sitters at circles have found a quicker method of obtaining "letter by letter" messages by means of the apparatus called "the Ouija Board," which consists of a moving "Planchette" with an indicator which moves over the letters mark...
Public Speaking Under Control
A writer gives the following advice concerning Speaking Mediumship: "Should you be controlled to give public addresses, it will be best to withhold the name of the spirit who prompts or controls your utterances. Most intelligent spirits prefer to be...
Recalling Past Incidents
"After looking around the room very deliberately at various objects, then at one person after another, and fixing her eyes on my wife, she ran across the room, and throwing her arms around my wife's neck, she kissed her most affectionately, addressi...
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A Home-made Ouija Board
Ouija Boards
Advice To Trance Mediums
Symptoms Of Trance Condition
Signs Of Spirit Presence
Entering The Trance
A Typical Case Of Identification
Beware Of Domineering Spirits
Least Viewed
Fraudulent Claims Of Identity
Impersonating Manifestations
Public Speaking Under Control
Identifying Property
Flashes Of Communication
Table Tippings
Guarding Against Fraudulent Spirits
Spirit Advice And Counsel