Incidents Of Inspirational Mediumship
Another writer speaking concerning inspirational mediumship, has said:
"In inspirational speaking it will be noted that the medium often gives
a really wonderful speech, although he may naturally be a very poor
conversationalist. These speeches are often preserved and some of them
form exceptionally interesting literature. These speeches are generally
given when the medium is seated, but sometimes he loses balance and
alls to the floor. Still, as long as the spirit control has anything to
say, he will say it through the vocal organs of the medium. But it must
always be borne in mind that a medium does not, as a general rule,
become an inspirational speaker all at once. There is a stage of
development through which he must pass in which the spirit control
assumes charge of the body of the medium, and this takes some time and
is usually accomplished in steps. First, the medium gives evidence of
inspirational speaking by uttering guttural sounds, and very often his
mouth merely moves without giving forth any sound whatever. Little by
little the control gains access to the inner atmosphere of the medium,
and when he has broken the final barriers, he can speak and act and
deliver what he has to say. But it must be remembered that the mind of
the medium is not to be left out of the question entirely. He is often
called upon to aid in the interpretation of the speeches the spirit
delivers, and these he may misinterpret and lend to them color of his
own mentality, without his conscious intention to do so, however."