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Clairvoyance and Kindred Phenomena
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All Thought Transference
Automatic Writing
In this connection it may be stated that many investigators and experimentors along the lines of telepathic phenomena have met with considerable success in the direction of Automatic Writing from living persons, which of course is merely a special f...
Base Use Of Mind Power
One writer says: "It is a fact known to all students of occultism that Black Magic has been frequently employed in all times to further the selfish, base ends of some people. And it is also known to advanced thinkers today that even in this enlighte...
Development Of Telepathic Power
Practically every person may develop a certain degree of telepathic power, sending, receiving, or both, by means of a moderate amount of regular and earnest practice and experiments. In developing sending power, the person should cultivate concentra...
Development Practices
This class of experiments, while open to the objection that there may be more or less muscular direction consciously or unconsciously given by the sender, nevertheless tend to develop proficiency in both sender and receiver. In fact, such experiment...
Formal Tests
The third step in telepathic development is that of conducting experiments similar to those originally conducted by the Society for Psychical Research, previously mentioned. That is to say, the sender may select cards from a pack, coins from a pile,...
How Experiments Are Conducted
The scientific experiments involving Telepathy, which have been conducted by numerous societies for psychical research and other bodies, have ranged from quite simple tests to those very complex. In all of these experiments there has been one person...
Immunity To Thought Influences
Persons becoming acquainted for the first time with the above recited facts of mental vibrations, mental currents, mental waves, and mental contagion, frequently raise the objection that if all this be true, why are we not constantly swept off of ou...
Involuntary Transmission Of Mental Vibrations
Mental vibrations emanating from the brain of the individual take on the form of wave-like movements in the ether, which are accordingly known as "thought-waves." These thought-waves are constantly being sent forth from the brains of all persons, an...
Mental Atmospheres
A well known American writer on this subject has said concerning this point: "There are many places today filled with the thought-vibrations of minds long since passed out of the body. There are places filled with the strong vibrations of tragedies ...
Mental Attunement
It should not fail to be noticed, moreover, that we habitually receive and accept more readily those thought vibrations which are in harmony with our own average habitual mental states; and, according to the same general principle, we tend to habitu...
Mental Tidal Waves
"We know how great waves of feeling spread over a town, city, or county, sweeping people off their feet, and causing them to lose their balance. Great waves of political enthusiasm, or war-spirit or prejudice for or against certain people, or groups...
Mental Whirlpools
The contagion of thought-vibrations is manifested by such vibrations coming into contact with the minds of other persons within the field of mental induction of the first person, and there setting up similar vibrations. We know that orators, actors,...
Mind Reading
Perhaps the best plan for the beginner is to practice the popular "mind reading" experiment or game, which is quite popular in some localities, and among persons interested in this line of thought. The experiments of this kind are performed, general...
Modern Black Magic
"In our own civilized lands there are many people who have learned the principles of mental influence, and who are using the same for unworthy purposes, seeking to injure others and to defeat their undertakings, or else trying to bring them around t...
Neutralizing Psychic Influences
Another writer gives us the following most interesting information and advice for use in cases of this kind: "I wish to point out to you a means of protection against the use of psychic influence against yourself on the part of unscrupulous persons,...
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Voodooism Explained
Automatic Writing
Thought Waves
Mental Attunement
Base Use Of Mind Power
How Experiments Are Conducted
Mind Reading
The Power Of Fearthought
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Immunity To Thought Influences
Scientific Investigators
Private Experiments
Voluntary Mental Influence
The Contagion Of Thought
Telepathic Phenomena
Vibratory Thought Force
Voluntary Transmission Of Mental Vibrations