Automatic Writing

In this connection it may be stated that many investigators and

experimentors along the lines of telepathic phenomena have met with

considerable success in the direction of Automatic Writing from living

persons, which of course is merely a special form of Telepathy. In some

cases the communications received in this way were at first thought to

be from disembodied entities, until later it was discovered that the

were actually transmitted (in some cases unintentionally) by

living persons. The late W. T. Stead, the London editor and famous

investigator of psychic phenomena, who was lost on the "Titanic" several

years ago, was remarkably successful along this special line of

telepathic transmission, he being one of the most efficient receivers of

this kind of which those familiar with the subject have any knowledge.

His written records of these experiments are very interesting, and form

a valuable contribution to this subject. In this class of experiments,

the sender concentrates fixedly upon the thought--word for word--and

wills that the recipient write down the word so transmitted; the

receiver sit passively at the time agreed upon, and allows his arm and

hand to be moved by means of the psychic currents beating upon him, and

which are then unconsciously transformed into muscular action--the

process being similar to that of ordinary writing, except that instead

of the activity of the brain of the writer being behind the muscular

motion, that of the sender performs that task.

