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Clairvoyance and Kindred Phenomena
Clairvoyance: past, present and future
Experiences in the Circle
Higher Spirit Manifestations
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Mediumistic Phenomena
Mental Vibrations and Transmissions
Nature's Finer Forces
Thought Transference
All Mental Vibrations and Transmissions
A General Principle
At this point we wish to impress upon the minds of the students of this book that what has been above said regarding that class of mental communications generally classed under the head of Telepathy also applies to many much higher phases of occult ...
A Great Scientist's Theory
Let us begin with that great master of modern science, Sir William Crookes, the inventor of the celebrated "Crookes' Tubes," without which the discovery of the X-Ray and Radio-Activity would have been impossible. Several years ago, this eminent scie...
A Living Dynamic Focus
"Every living being is a dynamic focus. A dynamic focus tends ever to propagate the motion that is proper to it. Propagated motion becomes transformed according to the medium it traverses. Motion always tends to propagate itself. Therefore, when we ...
A Peculiar Organ
So much for the conceptions of modern western science, which agree in the main with those of the ancient oriental occultists, although of course different names and terms are employed. But, we think it worth while to call your attention to the fact ...
An Appeal To Reason
Concluding these statements, let us say that the student of this book will find nothing contained within this book which is contrary to Nature's laws and principles. He will nowhere in it be asked to suspend the exercise of his reason, and to accept...
Chitta Or Mind Substance
The Hindu Teachings hold that that which we call "Mind" is not an intangible something different from anything else in Nature, but that, on the contrary, it forms a part of Nature's general manifestation, and is a substantial thing. The Hindus have ...
Dynamic Correlate Of Thought
"A process that is at once chemical, physical and psychical, goes on in the brain. A complex action of this kind is propagated through the gray brain matter, as waves are propagated in water. Regarded on its physiological side, an idea is only a vib...
Example Of Electric Light
Perhaps this matter may be best explained by means of illustrations of the operation of electricity and light--electric vibrations and light vibrations. In both cases the secret of the transmission of the vibrations or waves of vibratory energy may ...
Example Of Light Waves
The same process is detected in the transmission of what we call light waves. The activities manifested by the substance of the sun set up certain vibrations which we call "light vibrations." These are communicated to the ether in the form of so-cal...
Example Of Wireless Telegraphy
Likewise, in the case of the wireless telegraphy, the electric energy produced by the sending instrument is transformed into subtle and finer etheric waves, which travel to the receiving instrument, and are there transformed into electric waves, the...
Human Electro-magnetism
Professor Bain, another eminent authority, tells us: "The structure of the nervous substances, and the experiments made upon the nerves and nerve-centres, establish beyond a doubt certain peculiarities as belonging to the force that is exercised by ...
Human Etheric Force
Professor Haddock, a popular writer along the lines of scientific psychology and kindred subjects, in a part of his work in which he was considering the idea that thought may be communicated by means of ether-vibrations, forcibly says: "The ether is...
In Tune With Higher Planes
But, in connection with the above statement of the "in tune" law or rule of manifestation, we wish to call to the attention of the student the important fact that the same law prevails in the case of communications from the higher planes of existenc...
The Brain-battery
The same writer says: "All states of body and mind involve constant molecular and chemical change. The suggestion arises that the brain, with its millions of cells and its inconceivable changes in substance, may be regarded as a transmitting and rec...
The Higher Forces
We may say here, frankly and plainly, however, that the advanced occultists regard this class of phenomena as comparatively simple and elementary, and therefore not fully entitled to be included in the same category with the higher phases of Nature'...
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The Pineal Gland
A Great Scientist's Theory
Chitta Or Mind Substance
A Peculiar Organ
A Nswer To Skeptical Critics
An Appeal To Reason
Transformation Of Mental Vibrations
The Human Wireless Telegraph Instrument
Least Viewed
Vibrational Attunement
Uncharted Seas Of Vibration
The World Of Vibrations
Example Of Light Waves
Human Etheric Force
Example Of Wireless Telegraphy
Transformation Of Vibrations
In Tune With Higher Planes