Planes And Vibrations
To those who may be disposed to regard the above statements concerning
the "planes of being" as somewhat visionary, theoretical, or imaginary,
we would say: "Go to modern science, and verify this statement." The
following quotation from a writer on the subject will serve to
illustrate this fact, viz.: "We are apt to think that we are familiar
with every kind of matter in existence, but such is not the case. We are
iar with only a few forms of matter. Spectrum analysis shows us
that on certain fixed stars there are forms of matter far different from
matter as we know it on this planet. On some stars this unknown matter
appears to be of a much lower form of vibration than that manifested by
terrestrial matter; while on others, there appears to be a much higher
vibratory rate than even that manifested by the most subtle forms of
ultra-gaseous matter known to us here. Even on our own globe we can
distinguish between several great class of matter. In addition to the
forms called 'solid,' 'liquid,' and 'gaseous,' respectively, science now
recognizes a fourth plane of matter known as 'ultra-gaseous' matter, and
there are indications of several even finer states of matter, known
under the general term of 'radiant matter.' In fact, modern science sees
'radiant matter' apparently fading away into 'radiant energy.'"
In view of the facts of modern science concerning the different planes
of substance, matter and energy, it is mere stupidity that ventures to
question the possibility of the existence of great plane of being and
life beyond the range of the ordinary senses of man--planes surrounding
us on all sides, occupying the same space as we do, yet unseen by us,
and we largely unseen by those dwelling upon such planes.