Danger In Indiscriminate Magnetizing

Another point against which the medium should guard himself, is that of

allowing others, indiscriminately, to "magnetize" him to "aid his

development" or to "increase his power." Mediums, particularly while in

the psychic condition, are very sensitive and susceptible to outside

mental influences. And for this reason they should be particularly on

guard against allowing themselves to be "magnetized" or influenced

ally by persons of whom they know nothing. Otherwise, the medium

not only places himself under subjection to the mentality and

emotionality of strangers and undesirable persons, just as would a

hypnotic subject if he placed himself under the control of such persons.

Moreover, in the case of the medium, there is a danger of his being so

influenced in this way that thereafter he may attract to himself a class

of undesirable spirit influences who would otherwise never have come

into his psychic aura or world. We call attention to the following

advice on this point given by an experienced mediumistic writer:

