Impersonation Mediumship

One of the most interesting phases of mediumship, and the one perhaps

most sought after by earnest seekers of the truth concerning those who

have passed over to a higher plane of existence, is that commonly known

as "impersonation mediumship," or perhaps "impersonating test

mediumship," in which the vocal organs of the medium are employed by the

communicating spirit in order to speak directly to those in the circle,

to the visiting friend of the decarnate spirit who comes into the

presence of the medium. Many mediums devote their entire time and

attention to this phase of mediumship, and place themselves at the

service of those on the earth plane who wish to converse directly with

their spirit friends or relatives who have passed on. This is by far the

most satisfying phase of mediumship to those on the earth plane who are

thus enabled to receive communications, and perhaps even direct answers

to specific questions made to them. The most convincing evidences of the

identity of the communicating spirit are also obtained through this

particular form of mediumship. And this affording of comfort to those

still on the earth plane is one of the most satisfying features of

mediumship, and one which will do more than aught else to reconcile the

medium to annoyances and to the personal sacrifices so often made by the


