Public Seances

A writer, himself a successful medium, gives the following good advice

to young mediums: "I strongly advise all mediums to wait and serve out

their apprenticeship thoroughly before they undertake to sit for

sceptics or perform public work, either as test, impersonating,

speaking, seeing, or healing mediums; and the best place to secure the

necessary experience, training and unfolding is in the home circle.

After a cert
in stage has been reached, however, the medium who has been

used for impersonations will in all probability begin to display the

powers of clairvoyance and to receive vivid impressions. Then will come,

or they will be accompanied by, the efforts of the spirits to pass

beyond the purely personal and limited forms of expression associated

with the affectionate messages and greetings, to the consideration and

explanation of the conditions and experiences of life on the other side.

Spirits who can teach and give more sequential and sustained addresses

will in all likelihood assume control, and under such conditions it will

be found necessary to enlarge the circle and introduce fresh sitters.

The clairvoyant, or psychometrist, needs new subjects with whom to

experiment, and the speaking medium requires an audience to listen to

his discourses, so that the next step beyond the small private circle

may well be a semi-public one, or an 'after circle' such as is

frequently held at the close of the public Sunday services in many

towns, at which mediums who have reached this stage are afforded the

opportunities they need.

