Result Of Bad Sitters

And Wallis has said: "Although the spirits may be intensely anxious to

demonstrate their power, they are sometimes repelled from those whom

they seek to approach by the bristling and discordant conditions of

mind that prevail among the sitters, who disperse with a feeling of

dissatisfaction and disappointment. If the sitters only knew it, the

so-called failure was directly traceable to the destructive

with which they surround themselves and the medium.

Too frequently they do not prepare themselves for 'the hour's

communion with the dead,' and their mental attitude is anything but

conductive to success. They do not put away the thronging thoughts,

anxieties, and worries of their busy lives, but carry them right into

the seance chamber, yet expect good spiritual results. Both sitter and

medium may very easily destroy the indispensable conditions of

spirit-manifestation, and the medium's honesty, not his want of

growth, or of knowledge, is called in question by the investigator who

knows, and perhaps cares, nothing for the occult laws he has violated,

not obeyed."

