Mediumship Not Dangerous
The following additional quotations from spiritualistic writers on this
point, serve to throw important light on this subject. J. J. Morse says:
"Andrew Jackson Davis, Hudson Tuttle, and other writers, if I correctly
understand them, claim that mediumship is a constitutional condition,
and depends upon nervous adaptation, i.e., 'sensitiveness' and the
quickening of the subjective (psychical) faculties; and, personally, my
own firm conviction is that there is nothing dangerous in mediumship.
The mere dabbling in mediumship, as either the means of a new sensation,
or for the gratification of personal vanity, is to be thoroughly
deprecated, as a perversion of some of the most wonderful possibilities
of our natures; while the prosecution of mediumship, or anything else,
to the detriment of mind, nerves, or health, in any direction, is a sin
against oneself, and will inevitably call down the resultant penalties
of physical and mental deterioration. I have many times advised
inquirers who wished to know how to develop mediumship, unless they
desired to do so for serious use, and within proper limits, not to seek
its development at all. And in cases where I could see it would prove
personally detrimental, I have strongly advised the inquirer to let the
matter entirely alone."
Wallis says: "Very much depends upon the objects entertained by the
medium and the sitters, as also upon the character and intentions of the
spirit who seeks to manifest his presence; but, on general lines, where
people of average intelligence and rectitude seek communion with those
they have known and esteemed, or loved, the results are almost
invariably beneficial. There is every reason why this should be so if
the common-sense precautions are observed of keeping a level head,
exercising patience, exhibiting unselfishness and sincerity, and
desiring good spiritual counsel and fellowship."
A. Morton says: "Elevated spirits do not require mediums to surrender
their reason; on the contrary, they advise that every new thought should
be tested in the crucible of reason, and that it be rejected if not in
accordance therewith; but the control of domineering spirits, claiming
the name of celebrities, who present unreasonable theories, and in a
dictatorial 'thus saith the spirit' manner, demanding unquestioning
compliance with their commands, must be rejected by all mediums as
debasing and inconsistent with self respect. Any associations or
concessions which have a tendency to lower the spiritual standard must
be carefully avoided, for there is no growth in any relations which can
only be maintained by the sacrifice of self-respect and self-justice."