Psychic Attunement

The entity, or spirit, dwelling on one of the many higher planes of

being who wishes to communicate with persons on earth through a medium,

must first select some person capable of raising his or her own

vibratory rate of consciousness to become "in tune" with that of the

spirit himself. Then he must learn to project his own mental vibrations

with sufficient intensity and force to be "caught" by the sensitive

organism of the medium. These things are beyond the

understanding and accomplishment of many decarnate spirits, and unless

they are taught by some one on their own plane of existence they are

likely to fail in their attempts to communicate through a medium on the

earth-plane. But at the present time, in view of the great interest

being manifested "over there" in the communication with the earth-plane,

an earnest, persevering spirit will usually have comparatively little

difficulty in finding a proper instructor, and in acquiring the art of

"earth-plane communication," as it is called on the spirit plane.

