How To Psychometrize
The following general remarks concerning Psychometry, given by a writer
on the subject, will be found interesting and instructive. The writer
says: "There are no special directions to be given the student in
psychometry. All that can be done is to suggest that each person should
try the experiments for himself, in order to find out whether he has, or
has not the psychometric power in some degree of development. He may be
able to develop his psychometric powers by the general methods given for
psychic development; but, in any event, he will find that actual
practice and experiment will do much for him in the direction of
experiment. Let the student take strange objects, and, sitting in a
quiet room with the object held to his forehead, endeavor to shut out
all thoughts coming from the outside world, and forget all his personal
affairs. In a short time, if the conditions be right, he will begin to
have flashes of scenes associated with the history of the object in
question. At first these impressions may be somewhat disconnected and
more or less confused, but before long there will be noticed a clearing
away of the scene, and the mental picture will become quite plain.
Practice will develop the power. The student should practice only when
alone or when in the presence of some sympathetic friend or friends. He
should always avoid discordant and inharmonious company while practicing
his psychic power. Many of the best psychometrists keep their physical
eyes closed when practicing this power, thus allowing the inner senses
to function without distraction from the outer senses.