Psychic Sensitiveness
The student of this book will find in the succeeding portions thereof,
from time to time, certain general instructions regarding the
cultivation of psychic receptivity and sensitiveness. These general
instructions are also applicable to the cultivation of telepathic power,
and may be properly applied to that end. There is really but one general
principle involved in all the many forms of psychic receptivity, namely
of (1) shutting the senses to the ordinary impressions of the
outside world, and (2) opening the higher channels of sense to the
impressions coming in the form of vibrations of the higher forces and
finer powers of Nature. At the last, it is simply a matter of "getting
in tune," just as truly as in the case of the wireless telegraphy. These
things are difficult to explain in ordinary words to one who has had no
experience along these lines; but when one begins to actually experiment
and practice, the way opens out gradually and steadily, and then the
person can grasp the meaning of the little "hints" dropped by others who
have traveled the same path. So, after all, it comes down to the matter
of Practice, Experiment, and Learning by Trying!