How To Use The Crystal
The best authorities on the subject of crystal-gazing insist that all
experiments along the said lines should be conducted in a serious,
earnest manner, and that all frivolity or trifling should be avoided if
the best results are wished for. This, of course, is true concerning all
phases of psychic investigation, as all true students of the subject
know. All the authorities agree that the crystal gazer should sit with
the light behind his back, and never in front of him. While an earnest
steady gaze is desirable, there should be no straining of the eyes. As
one writer has said: "Gaze calmly at the crystal, but do not strain your
eyes. Do not try to avoid winking your eyes--there is a difference
between 'gazing' and 'staring,' remember." Some authorities advise that
the crystal gazer should make funnels of his hands, using them as he
would a pair of opera-glasses.