Reasons For Changes
In cases in which the spirits suggest changes in the order of sitting of
the members of the circle, or suggest other changes in the personnel of
the circle, such suggestions should be heeded, and those who are asked
to withdraw from the table should not feel hurt or offended, for there
is usually nothing personal in the matter, and no personal reflection
intended by the spirits; the whole matter is one connected with
ychical or magnetic requirements, and all should so accept it. A
writer on this subject has well said: "If you are requested, either by
the controlling intelligence or by the manager of the circle, to take
another place, or even if your room is desired for some unknown cause,
do not get angry and create a disturbance, but get with those with whom
you are in spiritual harmony and try it again. All who have succeeded
have passed through great trials and failures, and when success is
gained, think of what you have gained. A knowledge of immortality,
possibly, or you have assisted in producing an instrument through which
proofs of immortality may be given."