The Development Circle

As we have repeatedly stated in the foregoing pages, the actual spirit

circle is the best possible means of developing the latent powers of

mediumship, and the simplest, readiest, and most effective method of

discovering the presence of such latent powers in the individual. As a

leading medium has told us, it is "the primary school for the study of

spiritual facts, and for the training of mediums." The "spirit circle,"

as most of you know, is a company of harmonious, earnest, sympathetic

persons joining their psychic powers for the purpose of aiding the

medium to establish the lines of psychic communication between the earth

plane and the planes of the spiritual world. It must here be stated that

by "development" we do not mean the cultivation of the powers of the

spirits, but rather the training and unfoldment of the powers of the

medium to receive and transmit the power exercised by the spirit


