Demand Proof Of Spirit Identity
A certain degree of care and caution, and the employment of honest
powers of discrimination, is necessary on the part of the sitters in
cases of spirit impersonation. This not because of any lack of honesty
on the part of the medium, but because of the habit of a mischievous
class of dwellers on the planes of spirit life to falsely impersonate
other spirits as such seances. As all investigators of the subject know
well, it is not an infrequent thing for such mischievous and
meddlesome spirits to endeavor to pass themselves off as the relative or
friends of those in the circle, or even to falsely impersonate some
great historical personages. In such cases the sitters should insist
upon the spirit positively identifying himself, just as they would in
case of doubt regarding a person speaking to them over the telephone and
claiming to be such-and-such a person. And the proof demanded should be
similar to that which would be sought from the suspected telephone
talker. An honest spirit communicator does not object to such demands,
and is only too ready to do his best to furnish the right kind of proofs
concerning his identity.