Developing Writing Mediumship
Another writer on the subject of writing mediumship says to those
developing this phase of mediumship: "Your hands may be caused to shake
and move about as if you desired to write. You may be quite conscious,
or only semi-conscious, but you will feel that you are unable to prevent
the movements. In such a case, the sitters should provide pencil and
paper and await results. They should speak to the control and request
m to work quietly, and in all probability the rapid preliminary
scrawls will soon give place to slower and more legible writing. Many
persons have developed as writing mediums who have never sat in a
circle, and without being entranced. We should advise you, if you decide
to sit alone and make experiments in this direction, to avoid
excitement, expectancy, and preconceptions. Proceed as though you were
speaking to a visible friend, and request that someone will move your
hands to write. Provide yourself with a writing pad, or several sheets
of paper, and while holding a pencil in readiness, withdraw your
thoughts from your hand and arm, and assume a passive condition. If you
are strongly mediumistic, words and sentences may be written, but you
need hardly expect such results at first."